Natural! Safe! Individual!
The Bach Flower Remedies is a safe and natural healing method discovered by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1920s and 30s in England. This method gently restores the balance between the mind and body by eliminating negative emotions, like fear, worry, hatred, and indecision that interfere with the overall equilibrium of the being. The Bach Flower Remedies bring back peace and happiness to the patient, allowing the body to heal itself. These remedies are derived from wildflowers and are safe for the entire family, including pets. They are preserved in grape-based brandy and are gluten-free.
Bach Flower Remedies Therapy

"They cure, not by attacking the disease, but by flooding our bodies with the beautiful vibrations of our Higher Nature, in the presence of which, disease melts away as snow in the sunshine. There is no true healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness."
~ Dr. Edward Bach, 1934
"Healing with the clean, pure, beautiful agents of nature is surely the one method of all which appeals to most of us." ~ Dr. Edward Bach, 1936
"Wonderful as it may seem, relieve your patient of the mood or moods such as are given in this system of healing, and your patient is better." ~ Dr. Edward Bach, 1936
"And may we ever have joy and gratitude in our hearts that the Great Creator of all things, in His Love for us, has placed the herbs in the fields for His healing. “Heal Thyself by Dr. Bach”
The Bach Flower Remedies, also known as the 38 Bach Flowers, are natural healing remedies made from 37 healing plants and water from a natural spring. Each of these plants has natural healing qualities that have been harnessed and transformed into 38 different liquid formulations with vibrational energy.
Because these are "vibrational" remedies and not the pharmacological properties of the plants, they will NOT interact with medication.
Each of the remedies address a different mental or emotional attitude. You select the remedy based on your current mental or emotional state. When you are not "stressed," you are healthier.
The Bach Flower Remedies work by "flooding" the body with healing vibrations. These positive vibrations subtly restores balance to negative emotions or mental attitudes i.e. grief, fear, guilt, anger, exhaustion, shyness, indecision, procrastination, discouragement.
Take 2 drops of the chosen remedy (4 drops if Rescue Remedy) in a glass of water for immediate use for passing moods. One sips from the glass until the mood or attitude passes.
Choose the remedies indicated, up to seven remedies, and add to a 30 ml treatment bottle. Take four drops four times a day. This is usually taken for 3 weeks, then reassessed. Sometimes, remedies are needed to be continued for several months, sometimes for a shorter time.
As you begin to take the remedies over a long period of time, you will notice that certain remedies seem to "repeat." These remedies may be taken for months in a treatment bottle.
NOTE: The Bach Flower Remedies do not take the place of professional medical care or psychotherapy. If you have a medical or psychiatric condition, please consult your medical provider or psychotherapist.

“No thoughts of past errors must ever depress us; they are over and finished, and the knowledge thus gained will help to avoid a repetition of them. “Heal Thyself by Dr. Bach”