Access Energetic Facelift® Certification Class
The Access facial is a wonderful way to rejuvenate the face and reverse the appearance of aging; the technique can create similar effects throughout the body.
Learn the Access Energetic Face Lift™ with a friend or two so you can gift and receive the benefits if this dynamic process on a weekly basis.
A brilliant addition for any beauty therapists business, and/or massage therapists wishing to extend to their clientele.
Would you like to have a unique communion with your body, create more ease and less pain and to have the choice to look totally different. What are you and your body choosing?
Classes in English or Spanish.
What if embodiment was about the joy of it; the ease, joy and glory?
Learn the Access Energetic Facelift ® and be certified in one day.
The Access Face Lift works on an energetic level to nurture your whole body, allowing your body to look and feel its best. It leaves you looking better and younger, and you’ll be refreshed, relaxed, and rejuvenated. Your whole body benefits!
This amazing class will teach you how to energetically rejuvenate your face and body. And if you’re a healer or practitioner of any kind, how excited would your clients be if you were to add this to your list of service? Massage Therapists receive 8 ceu's for this class.
We will clear points of view that can limit our energy of being vibrant, healthy and full of youth. As well stepping into the willingness to communicate with our bodies & cells. We will also clear points of view regarding aging, judgements and perceptions about our bodies and beauty. What if you could feel comfortable in your own skin and what if you could let your inner beauty shine through? How does it get any better than that?

*Lift and awaken your face
*Smooth and tighten your skin
*Reverse the appearance of aging
*De-stress YOU

Like everything in Access, the energetic facelift is far more than what it suggests. It is an amazing process which reverses the appearance of aging on the face and creates similar effects throughout the body. If done repeatedly (at least 20 times) it appears to be permanent.
It smoothes, tightens and rejuvenates your face and your body. No surgery, no injections, no drugs! How does it get any better than this?
People who have received this process have reported it is like having a life lift and provides more energy, stability and clarity. What great side effects!
During this class you will learn to give a complete Access Energetic Facelift™ as well as receive a full session yourself.
The Access Energetic Facelift™ has been provided professionally in spas, massage practices, anti-aging and wellness centers worldwide. It’s a brilliant addition for any massage or beauty therapist wishing to extend to their clientele.
There are no pre-requisites for this class so why not bring a friend so you can gift and receive treatments regularly to nurture yourselves and feel truly great. What would it be like if you had 20 sessions?
What if you can create a successful business with this phenomenal face and body changing technique?! How many people do you know who would desire these results without having to go through chemical injections or under a knife?
How does it get any better than this?
The 1 day Class is about 8 hours
Each class includes:
◾Coaching by a Certified Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift® Facilitator
◾We are going to watch a video that exlpain how to do an Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift® session explain by Gary
Douglas the founder of Access Consciousness.
◾Clearings of blocks and obstacles throughout the class
◾Giving and Receiving TWO sessions.
◾A comprehensive Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift® Manual and step by step picture chart to assist you in running the Body Process on your own.
◾Certificate of Compleation of Access Consciousness Energetic Facelift® Class
◾After this one-day class, you will be certified as a Access Energetic Facelift® Practitioner and can offer sessions to others
Many people have created successful businesses with this unique, gentle therapy. Or you can add these powerful tools to enhance your existing business as a teacher, healer or coach. What are the infinite possibilities?
Would you like to take an Access Energetic Facelift ® Certification Class?
All Classes are Half Price for Teenagers age 16 -17 year old.
For Children and Teens under 15 years old accompanied with a paying adult class is FREE